Mobile court was conducted in different places of Comilla’s Barura upazila on Tuesday, May 23. At that time, operating a chicken farm without environmental clearance in Maniksar village of Payalgacha Union, removing solid and liquid waste into flowing canals, using chicken waste directly as fish food in ponds, and polluting the environment of residential areas through Section 15(2) of Bangladesh Environment Protection Act, 1995 and solid Violation of Sections 7 and 8 of the Waste Management Rules, 2021 is considered an offence. At that time, a fine of Rs. As poultry farms do not have biogas plants, all the waste is directly disposed of in canals and ponds. At the end of the Mobile Court necessary instructions have been issued to the farm owners for installation/construction of biogas plant and settling tank for settling liquid waste. Moreover, time has been fixed for taking appropriate measures to remove the stench. If effective measures are not taken to control the pollution within that period, proper legal action will be taken against them including regular case filing. Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate of Barura Upazila managed the mobile court. Mehdi Hasan. Inspector Mohammad Noor Uddin of Department of Environment, Comilla District Office gave the prosecution. The mobile court was assisted by the police force of Barura police station. Mobile court will continue in public interest.
Visits: 1