In Barura of Comilla on Monday July 13, under the leadership of Md. Moin Uddin, Assistant Commissioner Land and Executive Magistrate, a mobile court was conducted in Jholam Bazar of Barura Upazila. During this time, the medicines kept for sale in various pharmacies, the period of medicine, non-brand or unapproved medicines, drug license, pharmacist’s certificate etc. are inspected. Offenses related to violation of existing laws in pharmacies regarding drugs, drug expiration, non-brand or unapproved drugs, drug license, pharmacist’s certificate etc. are taken into consideration. At that time, according to the relevant provisions of the Drugs Act, 1940, 4 institutions were fined a total of 45,000/-(forty five thousand taka).
Barura Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Md. Moin Uddin managed the mobile court. During this time, Mr. Salma Siddika, Assistant Director of Comilla District Office, Medical Administration and Barura Thana Police assisted the mobile court.
Visits: 2