In Barura of Comilla on Thursday August 3, under the leadership of Md. Moin Uddin, Assistant Commissioner Land and Executive Magistrate, a mobile court was conducted at Muhitpur Bazaar of Barura Upazila. During this time, food, food preparation activities, product prices, fake and adulterated products, product expiration dates were inspected in various hotels, restaurants and grocery stores. Offenses related to food quality, proper storage of food, sale without expiry date and expiration date, overpricing of goods, stocking and sale of adulterated and counterfeit goods, including violation of existing laws in hotels, restaurants and grocery stores are taken into consideration.
At that time, according to the relevant provisions of Consumer Rights Protection Act-2009, a total fine of 7,500/-(seven thousand five hundred taka) was paid to 3 companies. Barura Upazila Assistant Commissioner (Land) and Executive Magistrate Md. Moin Uddin managed the mobile court. Meanwhile, Barura police force assisted the mobile court.
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