The police recovered the bullet-ridden body of a Bangladeshi youth named Manjurul Islam (25) at Amtali border of Dinajpur’s Chirirbandar upazila. The family claims that the Indian Border Security Force (BSF) shot him dead. However, neither the BGB nor the police could confirm whether he was killed in BSF firing. His body was recovered from a place called Shahpur Kamarpara on the border on Wednesday (May 17) morning. The deceased Manjurul is the son of Mojibur Rahman of Shahpur Kamarpara area of Amtali border of Chirirbandar upazila. Locals said that he was shot at a place near the border around 12:30 pm. Later the matter was reported to the police. In the morning, police went to the spot and recovered the body with the help of BGB. Sent to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Morgue, Dinajpur for post-mortem.
29-BGB captain Lt. Colonel Alamgir Kabir said, I have learned about the deceased. But still not sure whether BSF shot dead or not. We have called a flag meeting in this regard. Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Chiribandar police station Bajlur Rashid said that there were four bullet marks on the victim’s body. Legal action is pending. It is not yet certain whether BSF shot him dead or not. However, the victim’s family and locals claim that he was shot dead by the BSF. The OC also said that the condition report of the dead body has been prepared. The body has been sent to Dinajpur M Abdur Rahim Medical College morgue for postmortem.
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