About (50) years ago, Bangladesh Railway Dinajpur (GRP) police station was built during Pakistan period, the building is currently expired, Jhukipunar, there are about (45) policemen working in this police station, restrooms, police barracks were built at that time. Even though the police station is constructed, there is no road for vehicles, duty officers in charge (SI) (ASI) (constables) are forced to take motorcycles on the platform. Because Dinajpur Railway Station (GRP) is completely blocked, there is no road for vehicular traffic. As per the railway rules, the movement of vehicles on the platform is prohibited, and the employees have to bear public ridicule for this. Also (GRP) police station and police barracks are very dangerous, serious cracks in the roof and walls, seepage of water, sometimes plaster cement peels from the middle ceiling and walls, serious accidents with loss of life can happen at any time. In this way, police officers and police members have to do their duty risking their lives. And this situation has been going on since Pakistan period. Because apart from reparing, no new buildings were built (GRP) thana and police barracks.
Officer-in-charge of Dinajpur Railway Police Station. Emdadul Haque said that the policemen including me have to do the duty with the risk of life, sometimes the roof welding, the cement plaster of the wall is coming off, if there is a little rain, the water seeps everywhere, furniture and necessary documents are destroyed. The same situation in the police barracks, the resting policemen cannot even sleep properly due to fear. On the other hand, even though there is a police station and police barracks, there is no road for vehicles, we have to walk to our office with vehicles on the west bank of the platform, we are blocked because there is no road.
Bangladesh Railway Dinajpur Assistant Executive Engineer Office Narayan Prasad Sarkar said, (GRP) police station office and police barracks were built 50 years ago, currently they are expired (risky) and sometimes they repair by hiring contractors. To my knowledge no more quarters were newly constructed.
Regarding demolishing and rebuilding the quarter, he said, I will definitely build it if I get the permission of the senior officials of Bangladesh Railway. The role of police is immense for the safety of people’s lives and property. Peace and order prevails in the society only through the active role of the police. There is a police station office but there is no road, police officers and employees are working at the risk of their lives. They cannot rest in peace. Blocked vulnerable railway station and police barracks which is very sad and painful. Dinajpur district residents have requested and demanded the honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Railway Minister Mo Zillul Hakim and all the officials of the Ministry of Railways for the new construction of Dinajpur Railway Police Station and Police Barracks.
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