A former UP member named Emdadul Haque Mintu (45) was arrested by the police in Aditmari upazila of Lalmonirhat along with 7 bottles of Fensidil. He was arrested from his house in Kharubhaj area of Sarpukur Union of the upazila on Monday (May 8) afternoon. Detained former UP member Emdadul Haque Mintu is the son of deceased Ghulam Rabbani of that village. He is a former member of Sarpukur Union Parishad.
Aditmari Police Station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Mozammel Haque said that former UP member Emdadul Haque Mintu has been selling Fensidil at his house in Kharuvaj village of the upazila. The police raided his house on such a tip-off. Anwara Begum (40), wife of the UP member, came away with some phensidyl on realizing the presence of the police. Later, his house was searched and 7 bottles of Fensidil were recovered. At that time, the owner of the house, former UP member Emdadul Haque Mintu, was arrested. A case has been filed in Aditmari police station against the former UP member and his fugitive wife arrested under the Narcotics Control Act.
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