Barura police arrested a man named Zobair Hossain from Latifpur area of Barura municipality, who was sentenced to life imprisonment in the ongoing crime prevention operation in Comilla’s Barura. Barura Officer-in-Charge Md. Firoz Hossain said in the press briefing that Barura Police Station has conducted a special operation under the supervision of the Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Barura Police Station under the supervision of ASI Ariful Mawla and Sangeet Force to arrest the accused and maintain law and order. ) 5/13 Section 412 Penal Code Warrant sentenced fugitive Md. Zobair Hossain, father of deceased Abdul Latif, Sang Latifpur Police Station Barura, District – Comilla was arrested on 3rd April 2023 at approximately nine o’clock in the night at Mohammadpur area of Dhaka with the help of information technology.On 4th April 2023, the case was handed over to the learned court through the Police Scott.
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